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adding the roads or address to the location of a event should be 'the procedure', and a lot of amber alerts in California are targeting too wide ( all -CA ) when it's only a so-cal or northern cal event.

we see a problem with the sage box over-modulating with it's built-in computer voice on cap? messages , we forward everything and hear that on the fema tests.... audio voice recordings from Weather station radio work very well... and the weather service is doing a better job with them than the highway patrol. the LP1 ( ihart radio ) makes a lot of mistakes on the RMT, at least we don't get RUSH within the RMT anymore... that has happened way too many times over the years.... thanks KFBK....

very concerned about TFT and now SAGE stopping production. and cost to small station everytime some government office thinks it needs to add a event code when we have plenty to cover events now, problem is lack of trained staff at stations and upstream at EOC's

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